We are excited to inform you of a new feature added to the Form 24 Q.


We have now made it convenient to generate and upload the returns during the quarters and at the end of the financial year.

Previously you did not have the option to convert the Form24Q Excel to the text format. 

We have now enabled the option of converting the Form24Qexcel to text format which can be directly uploaded into Traces (Income Tax portal) to file your quarterly returns.


This new feature provides the following benefits: 


Improved Compatibility – The generated text file can be uploaded directly into Traces without having to use external software to convert the Excel to text.


Avoids unnecessary delays and errors- It reduces the time spent on converting the Excel file to text manually.


Preserves Data Integrity-Text files are less prone to data corruption.


How to access and use this feature: 

Navigate to Reports>Statutory>TDS>Income Tax-Form24Q


Please click the below link to learn how to access and use this feature.


How to generate the text file for Form 24Q. : Help Center (freshdesk.com)


How to Update TDS Challan Details. : Help Center (freshdesk.com)


This feature is live now. Please contact our support team if you have any questions. We look forward to delivering more enhancements like this to make your payroll process smooth and efficient. 


Thank you for choosing our payroll services!