The Reimbursement Approver is the person who has been assigned the Finance role. You can have a single reimbursement approver for a single location. 

You can change the Reimbursement Approver by following the below steps:

On the Home Page click “Transactions”

A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated


Click Reimbursement under Spend, Loan Management





Click “Change Reimbursement Approver” under “Configure”.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Select the name from the “Assign From” drop down.

To change the approver, Select the name from the “Assign To” drop down.

Check the box against the Name of the employee you wish to change the approver.

Click “Save”


And the Claims are moved to the new Approver successfully.

The approver when logs in now can see the claims for their approval.



Note: The video outlining the process is attached for your reference.