Reporting Manager is the person to whom an employee directly reports and takes instructions/advice from them. The Reporting is above the employee in the organization’s hierarchy.


Reporting Managers will have access to Approve/Reject Leaves & Reimbursement requests raised by their subordinates.


The Second Reporting Manager will not have access to approve/reject the request.


The Second Reporting Manager gets only the Mail Notifications on the Leave Applied & Leave Approve/Reject details. The email is sent to the email id updated in the “Sec Reporter Email” column.




Assigning Reporting Managers manually



On the Home page, click “Transactions”.


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Under Core HR, click “Assign Reporting Manager”.



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Click “Map Reporting Manager” under “Configure”.


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Select the following from the drop-down.

  • Department
  • Branch
  • Designation
  • Cost Center

Check the box “Yes” in Map Reportee.

Click the "View” button to see the list of employees for whom RM is already mapped.

You can also view/update the reporting manager details for a single employee by entering the Employee Code/Name.


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In the” REPORTING MANAGER” Column you can map the RM against the employee record using the drop-down field.

Please note- For anyone to be a reporting manager you need to first check the box “Is a reporting manager” in the official tab of the employee master.


In SEC. REPORTING MANAGER & SEC REPORTER EMAIL columns enter the name and the email id.

Click “Save”


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Please note the Reporting Manager can also be mapped to the employees in Team.


Click Team>> Employees>>Directory>>View/Edit selected Employee Master record >> Official >> Reporting Manager Field.

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