Once the onboarding is completed and the employee is added to the system, you have the option to change /edit the records.

You can view the list of employee records and edit the fields either employee-wise or in bulk. 

Ensure that all the changes/edits are done before the payroll cut-off if you want the changes to reflect in the current payroll.


On the Home page, click on “Team.” 

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Scroll down to the “Employees” section. 

Click on “Directory”. 


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Click “Employee Master”. 

Employee-wise details can be viewed by entering the employee’s code/name in the search field. 

To edit single employee, click the “View/Edit icon. 

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You can make the necessary updates/changes by clicking the respective tabs. 

-Personal, Official, Other Info, PF ESI, Leave, Salary, and Employee Docs. 

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Bulk Entry 

On the Home page, click on Team. 


Scroll down to the “Employees” section. 

Click Directory. 


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 Click the drop-down next to Add employee”. 

Click “Bulk Edit Employee Master” 



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You have two steps

  1. Export – You will be able to download the employee master details( what is currently available in the system).
  2. Import – You will be able to import the updated master with the new changes/modifications.


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Click the arrow next to Export”. 

Select the Criteria if you would like the data from a specific location, department etc else check the “Select All box. 

Select the fields which you would like to update and move them from the “Main List” to the “Selected List”. 

If you have any User Defined Fields that needs to be updated, select the fields which you would like update and move them from the “UDF List” to the “Selected UDF” list. 

Click “Export. 

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The file with the relevant field/fields will be generated. 


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From the downloaded file, enter the changes/new input. 

Save the file to the local drive. 

Click the arrow next to “Import”. 

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Click “Choose File”. 

Click “Import”. 


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And your data is now uploaded. 

If there is any data which is not uploaded i.e.  failed transactions, will reflect in the box.  You can export the same by clicking “Export Failed List”. 

You can make the necessary corrections and re-upload the file. 

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