You have the option to create employees individually and in bulk.

Below are the steps to add an employee or create a new hire in the system.


On the Home page, click “Team”. 


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Scroll down to “Employees”. 

Click on the “Onboard”/” +” sign next to Onboard. 



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There are 6 tabs namely Personal Details, Official Details, PF & ESI, Leave Details, Other Info, and Salary Details. 

All mandatory fields are marked with an Asterix '*" 


Click "Personal Details" 


Enter the following information: 

Code (*): Enter the Employee code as per the Company records



PS: To auto-generate the code, pls follow the below steps  

Go to Payroll Settings >> Configure Rules >> Setup rules 

Check the box" Generate Employee code automatically". 

Enter Code Format 


To know more about the Auto generation of employee code, please click "here".


Name (*): Enter the name as per Official Records. 

Gender (*): Select the appropriate Gender from the drop-down. This has an impact on various calculations. 

Date of Birth (*): Enter the correct Date of Birth as per the official records. 

Email Address: Ensure the correct email address is updated, as all email communication, will be sent to this mail id. 

Photo: Upload your employee's photo. Please note that only image files are allowed 



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Enter other details like 




Phone Number 

Emergency Number 

Aadhaar Number: Is required for all Social Security benefits. 

PAN: Permanent Account Number is required to file the Income Tax Returns. 

Tax Status: Select Resident/NRI/Expat from the drop-down. 

For more details on the type of status please click here.


Click "Next" 


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In the Official Details tab enter the following information: 

Joining date (*): Enter the DOJ in the dd/mm/yyyy format. 

Please ensure the employee is above 18 years of age. The system will not allow you to enter a date of Birth that is less than 18 years. 

If entered, you will get the following message” Employee is a minor to access the system”. 


Location (*): Select the appropriate Branch/Location. The location where your employee works will have an impact on statutory contributions like Professional Tax and labor Welfare fund...  

Job Type: Select the Job Type from the drop-down. 

  • Probation 
  • Permanent 
  • Contract 
  • Consultant 
  • Pensioner 
  • Family Pensioner

If an employee joins on probation, select Probation, and enter the number of months in the "Confirmation Period".  Once the probation is completed, then you will have to manually change the status to "Permanent". 



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Enter the required data to facilitate payment to your employees: 

  • Payment Mode 
  • Bank Name 
  • Bank Account Number 
  • IFSC code 


If the payment is via cash, the above details can be left blank. 


Select the appropriate details from the drop-down for 

  • Department 
  • Designation 
  • Level 


If the required field is not available in the drop-down, you can create the same. Please click this link. 

Confirmation Period: Please enter the number of months based on the Company policy.

Enable ESS: Enable this option if you wish to provide ESS access to the Employee. You can refer to our user manual on "How to create ESS logins" by clicking here.


Click "Next".  



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PF & ESI: Provident Fund (PF) and Employee State Insurance (ESI) 



If PF is applicable, then check the box. 

Enter the  

  •  PF UAN (Universal Account number) 
  • PF Enrolment Date 
  • Select the Relationship from the drop-down. 

Please check the box if entitled to EPS. (Employee Pension Scheme) 

First-time employees joining on or after 1st September 2014 and having a basic salary of more than INR 15,000 PM are not eligible for the Pension Scheme 

You can restrict the PF for all your employees by checking the box- Apply Restricted basic for Employer PF calculations.



Check the box if ESI is applicable.  If the employee's monthly Fixed Gross is less than INR 21,000/-, then the employee will be covered under ESI. 

Enter the ESI number. 


Click "Next" 


Leave Details 


All the leave types created in the Leave Master will be displayed.  



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Select only those that apply to an employee and enter the “OPENING BALANCE" if any. 

The system calculates the “Accrued Leave" against each leave type based on the configuration. 


Click "Next".



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Other Info 


If you wish to capture any other field like  Band, Employee Category, and Division you can update the details.

You can update any user-defined fields which you have created. To know more on "How to create User defined fields, click here.




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CTC (annual): Enter the amount of Annual CTC (Cost to Company) amount. 

FBP: Enter the Flexi Benefit Plan amount, if FBP is applicable in the salary structure 

Variable Pay: If Variable pay is part of the CTC, enter the Variable Pay amount 


Display CTC-Based Components: Select this check box to filter out only CTC-Based Components i.e., the salary components that are part of the CTC.  

Calculate: Click on "Calculate". The Salary breakup automatically takes place for all formula-driven components. 


Salary components that are not formula-based should be entered manually. 


Difference Amount: If there is a difference between the CTC amount and the total salary break-up, the same would be reflected here. 

You need to make the necessary adjustments to ensure the differential amount is "Nil" 


Note: Fields prefixed with Asterisk [ *], are the mandatory fields that should be filled, else system will not allow users to save employee records. 


Click "Finish" and your employee is added successfully.