The employer is legally bound to pay his employees the salary as agreed upon and accepted in the Offer Letter. The salary can be withheld or stopped only in certain conditions like Not reporting to work, Career Break, etc.  


You have the option to hold/ stop the salary and subsequently release the withheld salary for the selected month. 

You have the option to 

  • not process the salary or  

  • process the salary but not pay the employees. 


Stop Payment 


On the Home Page click “Payroll” 

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Scroll down to “Utilities. 

Click “Stop, Release Payroll.


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The list of employees for whom the stop pay has been initiated is displayed. 


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Click “Add New 

You can use the Import option to add employees in bulk. 

Click on the Import button to Stop Payroll for employees in bulk. 

Click onDownload Template”. 

Enter the details. 

Save the file to your local drive. 

Click Choose File. 

Click on Import”. 

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The processing month will be displayed. 

Enter the Employee Name/Code 

Select Action- ‘Stop Payment’ or ‘Stop Payment Until Release’ 

Stop Payment- The salary will be processed but will not be displayed in the Salary Payment Bank Reports for pay-out. 

Stop Payment Until Release- Salary will be held for that month and will continue to be held till the salary is released. Since salary is not processed, the employee details will not be displayed in the Salary Payments Bank Reports for payout. 


Mention the reason for the release. 


Check the box- ‘Stop Income Tax Projection for TDS Calculation. 

This will not allow the earnings to be projected during the stop-payment period. Once the salary is released, the earnings will be projected. Thus, it helps in reducing the TDS for the month as there will be no projected salary for the remaining months of the year. 


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If you select ‘Stop payment until Release’ post payroll process, you will get the message that since payroll is already processed, the payslip will be deleted. 

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