The Document Management module helps you to store and attach the relevant documents to an employee profile.
We can update the documents individually by going to:
Team>>Employees>>Directory>>Select Employee>>Click View/Edit>>Employee Docs and attach the relevant documents.
You can update the docs for multiple employees using the DMS Bulk file upload.
On the Home page, click “Transactions”.
Under Core HR, click “Document Management”.
Under “Import” click “DMS Bulk Upload”.
Select the “Type of Document” from the drop-down.
Click “Choose file”
Click “Upload”
Note: Follow the below steps, before uploading the Zip file.
1: Please place all your “PDF” files in a folder and zip the folder and choose the same zip file to upload
2: Once you zip the folder, please do not change the zip file name.
3: File format should be employeecode_employeename_documenttype
Example: pay123_manish_EmployeeDocument
4: Your zip file size should not exceed 4 MB.
And your file is uploaded successfully.