Table of Contents 

How to Configure Attendance Rules

Creating New Attendance Policy

Attendance in/out timings

Start and End Time

Attendance Calculation Type

Swipe In/Out Type

Ignore the Last Swipe in when the Swipe out Punch is missing. 

Disable leaves adjustment

Shift spans Multiple Days

Standard Working Hours

Min. Hours for Full Day

Min. Hours for Half Day.

Min. Hours to work Full Day on Official Half Day

Min. Hours to work Half Day on Official Half Day

Weekly Hours

Enable Weekly Hours

Min. weekly Hours for a Full Day

Min. Weekly Hours for Half Day

Over Time

OT Formula

Minimum OT.

Units of OT

Late Coming

Track Late Coming

Grace time

The time imit for Late Half-day

Deduct No. of days.

Number of Instances


Overrule if total working hours are greater than std working hours. 

Early going

Track Early Going

Grace time

Deduct No. of days

Number of Instances


Overrule if total working hours are greater than std working hours. 

Deduct Late Occurrence and Early Going From leave balance. 

View or Edit

Delete Attendance Policies

MAP Attendance Policy

Employee-wise mapping.

Criteria-wise Mapping.



‘Attendance Rules’ should be created as per the company rules for “Login” / “Logout” timing, “Late coming”, “Early going” and “Overtime”.


A company can have multiple rules, but only 1 rule can be applied to each employee at any given instance.


On the Home Page click “Transactions”.



Scroll down to Time Tracking, Management 

Click “Attendance/Biometric Device Management. 

Note: - All the features related to “Bio-metric attendance” will come under “Attendance/ Biometric Device Management”.



Click “Configure Attendance Rules” under “Configure”. 


Creating New Attendance Policy


Click “Create New Attendance Policy”.



Enter the “Name of the policy” 




Attendance in/out timings


Start and End Time

·        Enter the “Standard Start Time” and the “Standard End Time” in HH:MM Format




Attendance Calculation Type


This specifies how the attendance/worked hours should be calculated. This is set according to the type of device used at the company site.


First in Last Out Punch

Select this option if you need to capture only the First and Last Punch to calculate a total number of hours worked. 

Dedicated Direction

Select this option if there is a “different machine” to capture both swipes in and swipe out.

All Punches

Select this option if you need to consider all the Punches for the day to calculate a total number of hours worked.

Swipe In/Out Type

Select “Swipe In / Out Type”

This Option enables you to select the option of how you want to capture the Swipe In / Out.

Web Check IN

This is one of our features wherein there is no external device required to capture the Attendance.

Employees will be provided with an option to “Swipe-In and Swipe-Out” anywhere through ESS using any device connected to the Internet.

Along with Punch details, the system also records the IP Address used for recording the attendance.

White-listing IP Address

If you want employees to Swipe-In and Swipe-Out through ESS from Specific IP Address, choose this option.

To add the IP Address, click on “Add IP”. 

Enter “IP information”.

Click “Add”.



This option enables you to restrict access to the Attendance system from the specified Location.

The employee must swipe-In and swipe out from the “location” which is defined by the company.

Latitude, Longitude, and Perimeter must be entered which allows the employee to swipe within the defined Perimeter.

Click “Add Geo Fence”.


Select the “location” from the “drop-down”.

To add the location, click “Location”.

 Update the “Latitude, Longitude, and Perimeter”.

Click “Add”

Geo Tagging

This is similar to the “Web Check-In” optionwith the additional feature of capturing the Location from where an employee uses the Swipe-In and Swipe-Out options.


Ignore the Last Swipe in when Swipe out Punch is missing.


If the last entry is only Swipe In without a Swipe Out entry, the system will ignore the last Swipe In and mark it as “Absent” if this box is checked.

Example 1: If there is a single Swipe In at 09:35 without a Swipe Out, then the Swipe In at 09:35 will be ignored and the employee will be marked as absent.


Example 2: If the swipes are IN- 09:35, OUT – 13.15, then the last IN swipe of 13.15 will be ignored.







Disable leaves adjustment


Check this box if you don’t want the employee’s absent days to be adjusted against any other Leave Balance.



If this box is unchecked, select the Order in which the leaves should be adjusted against Absence.





Shift spans Multiple Days


Check this box if the shift hours are not ending on the same day but continue to the next day.


Ex. If the night shift time is crossing 00:00 hours i.e. (12 AM in the morning) then this checkbox should be enabled, if not the attendance will not be captured properly.


Standard Working Hours


Enter the standard working hours of the company per day in HH: MM format.


Min. Hours for Full Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked to be considered as present for a “Full day”.



Min. Hours for Half Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked to be considered as present for “Half day”.




Min. Hours to work Full Day on Official Half Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked to be considered as present for a “Full day” for an “Official Half Day”.



Min. Hours to work Half Day on Official Half Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked to be considered as present for a “Half day” on an “Official Half Day”.




Weekly Hours


Enable Weekly Hours


Checking this box will enable the tracking of weekly working hours of an employee to consider attendance for the week.  Anything less than the defined hours will be adjusted against the available Leave Balance.



Min. weekly Hours for Full Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked in a week to be considered as present for a “Full day” during the week.


If we enter 40 Hours, then the cumulative working hours less than 40 hours in a week will be considered as full-day leave for the employees. 


Min. Weekly Hours for Half Day


Enter the Minimum hours to be worked in a week to be considered as present for “half-day” during the week.


If we enter 25 Hours, then the cumulative working hours less than 25 hours in a week will be considered as half-day leave for the employees.


If the weekly Hour option is checked, select the Order in which the leaves should be adjusted against Absence.












Over Time


Over time” can be configured as per the “Organization Policy”.



By default, OT Formula will be “OT Not applicable” which means you have not opted for OT. 

OT Formula


To opt for “Over Time”, select one of the options from the drop-down under “OT Formula”.


Out Punch-Shift End Time


It will consider only outgoing punches for calculating OT i.e., based on the OUT punch of an employee OT hours will be calculated.


When this option is selected, the “Consider late going punch” checkbox will be enabled automatically.  You will not have the option to uncheck this box.

Total duration-shift duration


It will consider both “OUT going” and “IN coming” punches for calculating OT.


It means that not only late going, but even early coming also will be considered for OT. 


If this option is selected, both the “Consider early coming punch” and “Consider late going punch” boxes are to be checked.






Total Duration-Standard Working Hours


If this option is selected, it will consider the difference between the Total Worked Hours and Standard Working Hours for calculating OT.


Minimum OT


Enter the minimum duration an employee should work post the standard end time of the shift to be eligible for OT.


Eg. The Standard end time of the shift is 14:00 hours, and we have updated 00:10 in this textbox. If the Employee has worked till 14:08, then the employee will not be eligible for OT. 






Units of OT


If your OT Policy converts the OT duration into Units, then enter the hours/minutes to be considered for converting the Over Time hours into units.  Overtime will be calculated only for the whole Unit.


If units of OT are updated as 30, and if an employee works for 45 min, only 30 minutes will be considered as 1 unit and the remaining 15 minutes will be ignored.





Note: This OT configuration will not calculate the OT amount, only OT hours will be displayed in the report.




Late Coming


Track Late Coming


If you have a policy like pay cut/leave deduction etc for the employees who come late enable this option.


Grace time


Grace Time allows an employee to clock in after the start of the shift without any pay cut / leave deduction.


 Eg.  The start time of the shift is 09:30 Hours and the ‘Grace time’ is set as 00:15 (i.e. 15 minutes). If an employee clocks in before 09:45 AM, the employee’s entry is not considered as late.


If an employee clocks in after 9.45 AM, the entry is considered as late.



The time limit for Late Half-day


This option specifies that if an employee has logged in after the specified time in this textbox, the system will consider the first half as absent and consider the second half as a working day.


Example: If the ‘Time limit for late half-day is set at 00.45 mins, all logins after 00.45 mins will be considered as “half a day”.



NOTE: Either Grace Time or Time Limit for Late Half Day should be entered.


Deduct No. of days


This option is used to set the number of days which are to be deducted from the Employee’s leave balance for late occurrences.

Number of Instances


This is used to specify the number of instances to be deducted in case of late occurrence.


For Example: If the ‘Deduct No. of days’ is given as 0.5, and the ‘No. of Instances’ is set as ‘3’, then for 3 instances of late coming, 0.5 days are deducted from the leave balance.




If this option is checked, then for every 3 late comings 0.5 days of leaves are deducted.



Overrule if total working hours are greater than std working hours.


Check this box if you want to override the Late Coming rule if the employee has worked for greater than the standard working hours for that day.


If the “Track Late Coming” option is checked, select the Order in which the leaves should be adjusted against Absence.



Eg. if the leave type is selected as LOP then, for 3 late occurrences 0.5 days are deducted from the LOP and the employee loses half a day’s salary. 


It can be also mapped against a paid leave, however, if the leave selected has ‘0’ balance then it is “automatically mapped against LOP”. 





Early going


Track Early Going


If you have policies like pay cut/leave deduction etc for the employee who “Leave early” enable this option.


Grace time


This option allows employees to log out earlier than the standard shift end time without any deduction.


Eg: The end time of the shift is 18:00 Hrs, and the ‘Grace time’ is set as 00:15 (i.e., 15 minutes). If an employee logs out before 17:45 Hrs, then the log out is considered as early.


 The time
 limit for half-day


This option specifies that if an employee has logged out after the specified time in this textbox, the system will consider the second half as absent and the first half as a working day.


Example: If the ‘Time limit for Early half-day is set at 00.45 mins, all logouts before 00.45 mins will be considered as “half a day”.



Deduct No. of days


This is used to specify the number of instances to be deducted in case of Early Going.


Number of Instances


This is used to specify the number of instances to be deducted in case of Early Going.


Eg. If the ‘Deduct No. of days’ is given as 1, and ‘No. of Instances’ is set as ‘3’, then for 3 instances of early going, 1 day is deducted from the leave balance of the employee.





If this option is checked, then for every 3 early going 1 day of leave is deducted.














Overrule if total working hours are greater than std working hours.


Check this box if you want to override the Early Going rule if the employee has worked for greater than the standard working hours for that day.



Deduct Late Occurrence and Early Going From leave balance.



If the option is checked, select the Order in which the leaves should be adjusted against Absence.


It can be mapped against a paid leave, however in the event that the leave selected has a ‘0’ balance then it is automatically mapped against LOP. 




Click “Save”.


The attendance rules will now reflect under “Attendance policies”.  


The Name of the policy, Begin time and End time of the policy will be displayed.

View or Edit


Click “View/Edit”

The attendance rule is displayed.











Delete Attendance Policies


Click “Delete” to delete the “Attendance policies”.


MAP Attendance Policy


Click “Map Attendance Policy”.

This setting is used to map the created attendance rules for employees.




Employee wise mapping


To Map Attendance policy “Employee wise”.


Select the “Attendance Policy Name”.


Search the “Employee”.


Tick the “Check Box”. 


Click “Apply Attendance policy”.



Criteria wise Mapping


To Map Attendance Policy “Criteria Wise”.


Select the “Attendance Policy Name” from the drop-down.


Click “Employee Filter”. 

Choose the “Criteria”.  


Select a specific criterion or click “Select All”.  


Click “Add and Apply Criteria”.  


The fields and the criteria chosen will be displayed. 


Select the “Check Box”. 


Click “Apply Attendance policy”.