If the employee cannot declare the FBP for various reasons, you, as an admin, can make the declaration.
On the Home Page click “Transactions”.
Scroll down to Spend, Loan Management.
Click “Flexible Benefits”.
Click on “Declare FBP On Behalf of Employee” Under “Workflow”.
Here, the Admin can view the FBP declarations made by employees from their ESS login.
The Admin/HR can also declare the FBP on behalf of the employee.
Enter the “Employee Code/Name".
The employee information will be displayed.
Status: You can see if the employee's FBP declaration window is OPEN or CLOSED.
If the status is "Open", the employee can also declare FBP from the ESS login.
If the status is “Closed”, the admin must enable the FBP window.
Please check the document “How to enable/disable FBP declarations in ESS.”
The following details are displayed on entering the code/name:
Date of Joining,
Fixed Annual CTC amount.
Annual FBP
Effective Date: This is the date employees opt for FBP and plays a major role in the FBP declaration.
Prorate FBP: The system will prorate the FBP cap amount based on the date of joining or the effective date, whichever is earlier.
Last Updated By: This displays the name of the person who last updated the FBP declaration.
Last Updated Date: The date the last update was done will be displayed.
Monthly & Yearly eligibility- the annual and monthly FBP eligibility is displayed.
In the “Monthly Declaration” column, declare FBP on behalf of employees by entering the amount of the monthly declaration.
Click “Save”.
In the “Prorated Declaration” column, the declaration of FBP monthly amounts is prorated for the remaining subsequent month based on the Effective Date/DOJ.
“Declared So Far” - The“Previously declared” FBP amount is displayed.
The “Annual Declaration” column shows the sum of “Prorated Declaration + Declared So Far” amounts.
Balance (Special Allowance): Shows the figure of the remaining FBP cap amount, which is paid as Special Allowance (i.e., FBP Cap Amount – FBP Declared)
Note: if the declared FBP components are of Reimbursement then those components must be claimed.
Note: The video outlining the process is attached for your reference.