Weekly Off is the day/days in a week when the employee can take off and is not expected to come to work.  

Generally, organizations have their weekly off as 1 or 2 days a week. 

Some companies need to function for the entire week. They assign different weekly offs for different groups of people. Some weekly offs are on the weekend while some have their weekly offs during any other day/s in the week. 

To create Weekly offs: 

On the home page click the “Settings” icon at the right-hand corner. 

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Click “Holidays” 

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You need first to select the year from the drop-down. If the required period is not displayed, you need to create the Leave Calendar by clicking “Add Leave Year”. 

You can also create a new Leave Year by clicking Transactions-->Time Tracking Management-->Leaves-->Configure-->Create New Leave Year.

Click here for more details on the creation of a new Leave Year. 



Select the “Branch” 

In the Weekly Holiday tab select the days you would like to have as weekly off from the Select Day” drop-down menu. 

If you want the Weekly off enabled for a specific week or weeks in a month i.e., if you want the 1st and 3rd Saturday off, then you will check the relevant box, i.e., 1st and 3rd Week. 

Enable the “Half Day” if the Week off is a half day for the Employees. 

“Consider full day for leave rules”- If you enable this option the week off is considered full day leave for that employee. 

Click “Save”. 


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