You can configure your holidays according to your company policy.  


To create/add holidays: 


On the home page click the “Settings” icon in the right-hand corner. 


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Click “Holiday”. 

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You first need to select the year from the drop-down menu. If the required period is not displayed, you must create the Leave Calendar by clicking “Add Leave Year”.  


You can create a new Leave Year by clicking Transactions-->Time Tracking Management-->Leaves-->Configure-->Create New Leave Year. 


Click here for more details on the creation of a new Leave Year. 


Click “General Holiday”.



Select “Branch” from the drop-down menu. 


Select the “Date”. 


If the holiday is Restricted enable the check box “Is Optional holiday”. 


Optional holidays are holidays that allow the employees are allowed to opt for these holidays at their discretion. The employee can choose a minimum number of days from the restricted holiday list. The number of restricted holidays permitted is as per the company policy, which is generally two days. 


Enter the “Holiday Name”.


Click “Save”. 


For Bulk entries, click “Import Holidays”.  


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Click “Download template here”.  


Update the file and save it to the local drive.  


Click “Choose File”.  


Click “Import”.  

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