The second part of the Leave Configuration is setting the Leave Encashment policy and formula.

On the home page click “Payroll setting”.

Click “Leaves”

Click Add Leave to add new leave types OR to edit existing leave types click the View/Edit icon.


Click Encashment. 

Can carry forward? Select “Yes” if the leave must be carried forward to the next Leave year.  

Specify the maximum number of days that can be carried forward to the next Leave year under “Max Carry forward at year-end”. 


Is En-cashable? Select “Yes” if the leave balances can be encashed. 


Max Days En-cashable: Enter the maximum days of leave that can be encashed, either on separation or while in service, if applicable. 


En-cashable Formula: The formula created under the Leave Encashment component will be shown here.  

Please note, that before creating the Encashment setting, you need to create the Leave Encashment component and define the formula. 


Click “Save”.


Note: The video outlining the process is attached for your reference.