NoTitle of videoDuration in MinNoTitle of videoDuration in Min1How to allocate a pay component3.0014How to map the workflow for Leave- part 4 of Leave Configuration1.032How to process FFS6.0615How to configure leave Applicability- part 5 of Leave Configuration1.073How to separate an employee3.3416How to process payroll-An Introduction0.514Mapping the workflow for Reimbursement approval2.0017How to run the payroll process step-Select Location0.45How to approve reimbursement by Finance0.5818How to run the payroll process -2nd step-Leave and Attendance2.356How to process reimbursement payment2.1819How to run the payroll process -3rd step- Pay Adjustments2.317How to create the reimbursement component1.1920How to run the payroll process-4th step-Run payroll 2.338How to configure reimbursement1.3421How to run the payroll process-5th step-Confirm payroll0.289How to onboard an employee8.2322How to run the payroll process -6th step-Complete Payroll1.0110How to update the FFS payment details1.3723How to delete payroll1.4911How to configure leave credit -part 1 of Leave Configuration6.1824How to Create User-defined Fields3.2212How to configure leave encashment-part 2 of Leave Configuration1.1225How to Update the UDF for Individual and Multiple Employees2.19