The leave and attendance data in Paybooks is captured from 3 sources:


1. From Manual Entry/Summary Import – You can enter leaves manually or you can use Summary Importer for bulk updates.  These records will be reflected under ‘From Manual Entry/Summary Import’ in the Leaves & Attendance tab of the Run Payroll wizard.


2. Paybooks Leave Management System (LMS) – Leaves applied by the employee and approved by the manager on ESS or leaves imported through “Day-Wise Importer” will be reflected under 'From ESS/Day-Wise Import' in the Leaves & Attendance tab of Run Payroll wizard.


3. Attendance / Biometric Devices – If your attendance/biometric device is integrated with Paybooks, any leaves recorded through attendance devices will be automatically taken for pay calculation and will be reflected under column ‘From Bio Metric System', 'Late Occurrence’ in Leaves & Attendance tab of Run Payroll wizard.


Note:  All leaves from these 3 sources (Manual Entry/Summary + ESS/Day-Wise Import Bio Metric System/Late Occurrence) are finally considered for salary calculation.

 To understand the impact on the payroll process please refer to the document-"How to Run/Process Payroll -Step 2- Leave & Attendance