The employee can cancel only the post-dated “pending and approved leaves”. The cancel option will not be available after the leave start date.
For example, if the current date is 10th Oct, the employee applies for a pre-dated leave for 7th Oct, and if the applied leave is pending approval, the employee will not have the option to cancel.
If the employee has applied for a future-dated leave -15th Oct, the employee can cancel the approved /pending leave request before Oct 15.
The employee cannot cancel pending leave that is pre-dated, current, or post-dated if the admin has locked the attendance for the respective month.
Reporting Manager
- The Reporting Manager (RM) can only Approve or Reject the leave applications of their subordinates.
- The RM does not have the option to cancel approved leaves for pre-dated leaves.
- The RM can cancel only the approved and pending leaves for post-dated records.
- The admin can cancel all the leave types (except LOP days), pre-dated and post-dated.
- If the LOP is off the current month's payroll and has been approved by the RM, the admin can cancel the LOPs.
- The admin can also cancel approved or pending leaves even though the payroll for the month is locked.
- Admin can also apply for leave on behalf of the employees.
- HR users can perform the activities of the Administrator and in the absence of the Reporting Manager approve/reject pending leave requests.
- HR can also apply for leave on behalf of the employees.